
Showing posts from January, 2022

"Going Full TAB"

I’ve noticed the use of the phrase “gone/going Full TAB” popping up frequently when referring to transitioning a classroom or curriculum into one that supports choice. So I just wanted to take a moment to remind everyone that Teaching for Artistic Behavior is not a curriculum or specific way of teaching art - it is a philosophy that believes the child is the artist, the classroom is their studio, and we always ask the question ‘What do artists do?’ TAB looks different everywhere you go - it depends greatly on the students, the teacher, the space, the materials, the administration… there is no one way to “TAB.” If you believe these philosophical tenets, and center the curriculum around your students’ emergent needs, you are a TAB educator in a TAB studio. So, you can’t be “Full TAB” or “go Full TAB.” You simply ARE are TAB teacher.